

Terpenes are powerful aromatic compounds that occur throughout nature and are produced in abundance in the trichomes of the cannabis plant. The synergistic interplay of cannabinoids and terpenes is what gives each strain its own unique profile of aromas, flavors, effects and medicinal benefits.

Beyond looking at the THC/CBD content, and where the strain falls on the Indica-Hybrid-Sativa Spectrum, savvy connoisseurs should look to each strain’s terpene profile to find the perfect flower for every occasion.


Myrcene is associated with powerful, fast-actingeffects and is known to facilitate the absorption of cannabinoids into the nervous system. It is found in mango, hops, lemongrass and cardamom and can impart spicy, earthy and musky flavors.

Effects: Sedative, Relaxing

Medicinal: Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant, Anti-Tumor 


Caryophyllene has a spicy, peppery aroma and can be found in black pepper, Thai basil, rosemary and cloves. Also known for its preservative properties, it is prominent in the hops used to flavor and stabilize beer.

Effects: Relaxing, Pain Relieving, Sedative

Medicinal: Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Anti-depressant, Anti-septic 


One of the most abundant terpenes in cannabis, Limonene is bright, zesty and crisp. It is found in all types of citrus as well as aromatics such as mint, juniper and rosemary. 

Effects: Mood lifting, anti-anxiety, anti-depressant

Medicinal: Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anticancer


Pinene imparts the invigorating freshness of an evergreen mountain forest. Imagine pine needles crunching beneath your boots. It is most notably found in coniferous trees, but is also present in dill, basil, rosemary and parsley.

Effects: Boosts energy, relieves anxiety and lifts the mood

Medicinal: Bronchdilator, Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflamatory, Antidepressant


Linalool is a soothing floral terpene most notably abundant in lavender, but also found in rosewood, laurel, mint and sweet basil. 

Effects: Calming, Relaxing, Sedative

Medicinal: Antimicrobial, anticonvulsant, antipsychotic, analgesic